New Web Site provider
Let me put you on the Internet for an affordable
price! We specialize in Automotive & Hot Rods but can handle most other needs.
by Chuck Barnow @ Berea Automotive Engineering Corp.
We can give you a place on the WWW so you can take advantage of this New technology on
an even keel with GM, FORD, etc. We also register you with the popular Search Engines like
Yahoo, Lycos etc.
- Plan (A) will give you 20 meg of space for your Web Site text & graphics (wo/secured ordering capability)
@ $25 month, payable in 3 month blocks, ($1 per Meg over 20meg)
- Plan (B) will give you 50 meg of space with text
& graphics (with secured ordering capability) @ $50 month,
payable in 3 month blocks, ($1 per Meg over 50meg)
- Web Site production is done at only $25 per hour.
- The Setup Fee is $500 to get your Pages up & running for the first 3 months, plus
your own DOMAIN NAME registered with InterNIC (
- Click on direct E-Mail editor with auto forward to your E-Mail box.
- Auto Reply message to request forms.
- Sybase back-end engine
and mSQL
- 60,000 watt back-up generator, (just in case), good for 72 hours on 1 tank of fuel

- Three T3 line from 2 providers for added reliability and speed

Send me your thoughts or give me a call
(800)-535-8665-pin 2277, (440)-234-6810 or Fax (440)-234-6674
Last revised: September 25, 2006